Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 25, 2010

Just imagine all the food that was eaten and prepared today! I remember when we spent a winter in Africa and we endured Roast Turkey with all the British accompaniments: bread sauce, soggy vegetables, roast potatoes, and an ancient canned cranberry sauce, served with many bottles of ice cold beer (good), in a heat of well over 40 celsius.

New Year's Eve was even better. We were in Mombasa and we decided to go out and get some lunch. We ate a delicious goat curry, again, with many cold bottles of Tusker. The heat was infernal, so we went back to our guest house (read: flop house), where we had a bathtub! We spent an hour or so filling it with cold water and lay in it until well into the night.

Last night I was craving an Irish coffee, after attending a nice quick birth (baby girl). But alas, the Cool Whip had gone gray so I will try again tonight after a trip to the grocery store...

But we made some mulled wine instead.

Mulled Wine

2 large wineglasses red wine
1 large wineglass water
3 cloves
one stick of cinnamon
juice of half a lemon.
Bring it all to the boil and quickly turn it down to a simmer. Simmer for five minutes. Drink it hot.

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