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In 2003, I was done with city life. We were living in Montreal, not a huge city, but big enough, dirty enough and fast-paced enough to qualify as a big city. Life was fast, cold, busy. We decided to take some of our savings, and borrow some, and buy a ruin in Northern Italy that we could fix up and maybe one day live in. We had experience: we raised four children, renovated an old stone farmhouse, and ran a small subsistence farm in the previous chapter of our lives.
We've lives our lives following our dreams. Sometimes they turned into nightmares, mostly not. We've been poor, rich, and in between. We've been lonely, together, with and without children. Now we have five grown sons and perhaps another chapter is opening.
In any case, our mountain hideaway is a big part of our lives, and it's always been part of other peoples' lives too. This past summer, we hosted our first "work-in-progress" retreat. It was a great success! It was a healing retreat for women, and we learned how to stop and let life happen. It was about fun, playing, resting, eating and drinking, hiking, and being ourselves.
Last year, 2019, we had a huge building project! Our land has two stone structures on it. We've fixed up the small one:
After |
and now we are working on the bigger one!
This is the barn. It's a huge, beautiful stone structure with a giant corrugated iron roof, that was put up many years ago to cover the original thatch. The roof had to come down, the beams had to be replaced, and we had to put a new roof on that baby.
So no retreats were planned last summer. But if anyone out there loves to build and you want to come and visit for a while? Come on down!
This summer, though, I have three fantastic retreats planned. I'm inviting eight women to come and learn how to rest. I'm inviting eight experienced trail runners who want to master trail running in these mountains ...
and I'm inviting eight women runners who want to learn about running trails, in a safe and fun environment, with an experienced running coach.
Drop me a line if you're interested in any of these activities - more details and dates to come!
Work In Progress! |
Beach day! |
Sage Sticks |
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