Saturday, November 6, 2021


I've been going through some transformations recently, and I've been feeling a little like I did when I was 13 or so... wondering how to navigate the next chapter in my life, super annoyed with everyone and everything, but moved to tears by small beautiful things. 

I've tried to treat myself like one does a newborn, moving slowly and taking care. I've had some huge moral joltings in my life over the past few months, and I've been taking stock and realizing that our small moments with friends are one of life's most important pleasures.

There is something immensely comforting in the fact that I've kept in touch with one friend for 55 years, and two others for 50 years, and I know that I can call or write and we will be back to being ten, fifteen, or fifty. And I love the fact that even as I age, I'm still making new friends.

One thing 2020 taught me was that I am much more of an introvert than I thought. I'm happy to muddle through on my own, and I don't hanker after being sociable. I love to run long distances on my own, to think my thoughts. I love chatting with myself about all the questions and worries I have in my mind.

But of course, I'm not the best person to turn to when I want someone else to talk to, someone else's experience and wisdom to learn from, someone else to have fun with and compare notes on this weird journey we call life.

So here's an idea: if you read this (and I know there are a few of you who will), take a minute to call or send a message to a friend. It will make them happy!

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