Friday, September 21, 2018

Birthing Herbs Workshop

On October 18 from 5-9 pm I will be presenting a Birthing Herbs Workshop.

I have been using medicinal herbs for over forty years, and I would like to introduce some of my best herbal friends to you and encourage you to make your own. If you're interested in using more herbal remedies either for yourself, for your families, or with your clients, this is the place to start learning about how to approach these powerful plants. I presented this workshop at the Birth and Beyond workshop a few years ago, and everyone enjoyed it.

Herbs and Beyond!

Here are some questions we will have a look at:

What do herbs do?
How do we harvest herbs?
How to process herbs
Which herb should you use?

Here is a taste of my technique, and an introduction to my favourite herb, St Johns Wort or Hypericum perforatum. I was first introduced to this lovely but common plant by a peasant woman in rural Italy. She told me it was good for small abrasions, back in the day when I had four small boys running around. It's a lovely, versatile, powerful friend.

In this Birthing Herbs Workshop we will mostly be learning about how to approach the world of medicinal herbs and how to start using them with the respect and familiarity they deserve. What is your relationship to herbal plants? Do you love plants? How do you relate to lavender? will be some of the weirder questions we will ask each other.

We will meet on Thursday Oct 18th at 5pm at Caffe della Pace. Cost is $25 per person.

This workshop is open to all.

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