Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thanks to Zed

My gratitude alphabet is coming to an end. It started last year when I wrenched my back carrying too many packages over the slippery icy sidewalk, and I was angry at the world. A friend suggested I start a gratitude process to help my back. The back was sorted within a week but my alphabet continued.

Today I am grateful for endings. I'm happy that life is full of changes, and that I have had a pretty amazing ride so far. But I know I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't given up on some big projects that I've loved in the past.

But, as always, endings are always embedded in beginnings and vice versa. And I am very, very grateful that some things in my life have remained constant and steady.

If I hadn't moved forward and stepped down from leading MBC, I wouldn't have had the time to do some of the interesting projects I've been able to participate in since the summer: being more involved in my cafe, running more (I say this in a guilty voice because I haven't run much here in Greece), coming to Greece to lend a hand with the asylum seekers here, and stuff like that...

So now what?

Just joking with my co-volunteers about the ending of my gratefulness alphabet - now I can be an absolute asshole for the rest of my life! No, endings aren't like that, actually. Stuff just seems to go on forever, really. I mean, there are always ripples from past experiences and actions. And even when the real ending happens, when someone dies, of course we have memories of that person.

So my time in Greece is almost over for now and I am filled with different emotions: sadness, gratefulness, love, disgust, regret, joy, anger... and my alphabet continues.

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